These web resources are an effort to enable people of all ages, who can tolerate a moderate perspective in the Catholic spectrum, to investigate our faith.
We try to avoid the extremes, both from the left and from the right. But you will probably find some URL collections, with a link or two on them that you won’t like. Such is life!
Remember, too, that every link will not necessarily connect you to a site which can claim to be one hundred percent pure ROMAN CATHOLIC. But that’s the scholarship dilemma: An authentic scholar needs to go beyond absolutes; but how far to go!? YOU will need to make the choices which will define your resolution of the scholarship dilemma. Let your conscience and the spirit of the Lord be your guides.
General Resources
CCCB and the Canadian Church
Other Catholic Issues and Responses
General Resources
From the Canadian Church:
CCCB: Co-responsibility of the Lay Faithful
CCCB: Our Evangelical Neighbours
CCCB: The Co-responsibility of the Lay Faithful in the Church and the World
CCCB: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
CCCB resources for World Day of Prayer for Care for Creation – June 2016
CCCB: Resources Available from the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis
CCCB resource bundle for the 2016 National Week for Life and Family May 8-15, 2016
A Church in Dialogue – CCCB(EN) (FR) (Long EN version) (Long FR Version.)
The Essential Elements of Evangelization Today – CCCB
Freedom of Conscience and Religion – CCCB
Hindu – Catholic Dialogue of Canada Expression of Support in Canada’s Role in Welcoming Refugees
Nostra Aetate – the Catholic Church and Interreligious Dialogue – 50th anniversary commentary
Pastoral Statement for the Catholics of Canada on the report issued by the Special Joint Committee of the Government of Canada, entitled Medical Assistance in Dying: A Patient-Centered Approach
The “Doctrine of Discovery” and Terra Nullius: A Catholic Response – CCCB
Vatican II – What was it and why is it important today! – CCCB
Voices into Action – a wealth of free curriculum-based teaching resources and online tools to help you teach your students about prejudice, human rights and social justice.
Here are some additional links on Catholic Issues
Stem Cell Research and Cloning