The purpose of permeation is to make our faith part of every lesson we teach. It is the sharing of our core religious values with our students. We look for authentic ways to share our faith.
Permeating Faith Through Connections to Religion Class
Faith permeation can include making connections between current Religious Education programming and other subject areas. The Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is divided into five units over the course of the year, corresponding to the seasons of the Liturgical Year.
- Unit 1 – Ordinary Time (September – November)
- Unit 2 – Advent and Christmas (December – early January)
- Unit 3 – Ordinary Time (January – February)
- End of unit depends on when Lent begins
- Unit 4 – Lent and Easter (approximately mid-February through late March)
- Start and end date depend on when Lent begins and Easter is celebrated
- Unit 5 – Easter Season and Ordinary Time (April – June)
- Start date depends on when Easter is celebrated
Use this resource to infuse Catholic faith in all subject areas. This resource provides ideas for Catholic faith permeation in the grade one classroom environment.

Grade 4 Religion Outcomes
This short summary outlines what students will be learning in Religious Education programming over the course of the year.
- Unit 1 – Called to be One
Examine what it means to answer God’s call to be one. - Unit 2 – A New Beginning
Identify how we deepen our faith during Advent and Christmas. - Unit 3 – The Kingdom of God
Investigate how we experience the Kingdom of God. - Unit 4 – New Life is Jesus
Explore how we receive new life in Jesus during Lent and Easter. - Unit 5 – Building the Kingdom of God
Examine how we can serve God as He builds His kingdom.
Full Resource Available
With outcomes, ideas, lesson plans and more for grade four.