Good News Stories: Achieving, Believing and Serving

Our Catholic faith is at the core of all we do and all that we are.

On these pages you will discover the many faces of Jesus in our school communities as our students celebrate their faith in moments of achieving their goals, using their faith beliefs to make a difference in our world and serving others in love, mercy and compassion.

For links to each divisions home page click here.


A Gift Beyond Words

A Gift Beyond Words

The Knights of Columbus have generously donated Proloquo2Go, an Augmentative and Alternative Communication software (AAC), to Regina Catholic Schools.  This software allows non-verbal children to communicate.  A true blessing!“Let the Church always be a place of mercy...

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Why Join Choir?

Why Join Choir?

It's the Christmas season, and that means it's peak choir season as well!  Why not join a choir? Meet new people and make friends for life.  Learn skills you'll take to adulthood and affirm your faith in the process!“The aim and final reason of all music should be...

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Deshaye Flash Mob

Deshaye Flash Mob

Earlier this month, the students at Deshaye Catholic School got together at Southland Mall for a Flashmob.  They performed the song “Footloose”.  Some tight quarters, but it all went well. Special thanks to Southland Mall for the permit! Psalm 149 "Praise ye the Lord....

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Angus and the Moose

Angus and the Moose

It's February, and that means it's Indigenous Storytelling Month. We're kicking it off with a story from Regina Catholic School's Land Based Facilitator and his close encounter with a Moose! Beside each believer stands an Angel as protector and shepherd, leading him...

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