Our Catholic faith is at the core of all we do and all that we are.
On these pages you will discover the many faces of Jesus in our school communities as our students celebrate their faith in moments of achieving their goals, using their faith beliefs to make a difference in our world and serving others in love, mercy and compassion.
For links to each divisions home page click here.
Land-Based Education Resources Recognized with RCE Saskatchewan Award
Land-Based Education Resources Recognized with RCE Saskatchewan Award This information was originally published by Meewasin Valley Authority on May 21, 2021. Read the original...
Holy Cross students pump it up for Haiti
In the land of 100,000 lakes, it can be a challenge to relate to water scarcity. Raising awareness—and money—for the global issue was the intent of a Lenten project at Holy Cross...
Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace and Justice unveiled
This story first appeared on the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon's news site and is republished here with permission. story by Kiply Lukan Yaworski St. Thomas More College at...
Model of Métis education recognized with SSBA Premiers Award
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools and Central Urban Métis Federation Inc., in collaboration with Métis Nation – Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program...
Board returns to familiar place for first meeting after election
The November 23 Organizational Meeting, the first Board of Education meeting for Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools' trustees since the election, had a blend of familiarity and...
Celebrating Mass in the football field
This story first appeared on the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon's news site and is republished here with permission. story by Kiply Lukan Yaworski; photo by David Schrader...
Catholic studies class staying connected to parish
This story first appeared on the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon's news site and is republished here with permission. story by Kiply Lukan Yaworski; photo by David Polzen St....
Supporting more than learning
By now you know the story: on March 11 the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, and federal and provincial governments around the globe started implementing aggressive...
Living Rosary:
One year in—and counting
“With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” – 2 Peter 3:8 Has it been one year or a thousand years since the World Health Organization (WHO)...
Christ the Teacher December 2020
January 2020: Pray – Educate – Serve
Prairie Messenger: Holy Trinity
Bishop Bayda Meets with Pope Francis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJlEruj36xI Oct 15, 2018
Defining why brings renewed meaning to actions
There’s nothing like the persistent “Why?” of children to make a person question the way things are as they are. Sometimes the innocence of the why is cute and answers simple—if...