Our Catholic faith is at the core of all we do and all that we are.
On these pages you will discover the many faces of Jesus in our school communities as our students celebrate their faith in moments of achieving their goals, using their faith beliefs to make a difference in our world and serving others in love, mercy and compassion.
For links to each divisions home page click here.
Rooted in Faith; Rooted in the Prairies
Georges Vanier Catholic Fine Arts Schools is now displaying a school-wide art project in the front foyer of the school It is inspired by our school division’s theme this year,...
Podcast series on digital citizenship and mental wellness
Coffee Talk or on a Walk: A Podcast for Parents and Guardians on Digital Citizenship and Mental Wellness is a series of three podcasts that explores the negative and positive...
That’s a lot of food!
While many children and youth spent their evening of October 31 collecting and counting candy, students at some Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools spent their evening collecting...
Boyko re-elected as Catholic school board chair
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools’ Board of Education held its annual organizational meeting on November 6. The annual meeting is where the board selects a chair, vice-chair and...
Coats for Kids passes 1 million donated coats
The Knights of Columbus (K of C) recently passed an impressive milestone in their charitable giving—they have given 1 million coats to children in need through their Coats for...
Sacred Heart High School Captures Double Gold!
Congratulations to the Sacred Heart High School Saints Soccer teams, who captured both the Saskatchewan High School Athletics Association (SHSAA) Gold medals in Girls 4A and Boys...
Embracing God’s Grace
Living the Holy Family RCSSD #140 Theme 2023-24 Having lived out the theme of the past school year, Keep Going with God, the planning for the theme of this year, Embracing God’s...
LCSD Teacher Honoured with Prime Minister’s Award
Kindopp Wins Prime Minister’s Teaching Award
Paige Kindopp, who currently teaches Grade 1 at Mother Teresa Early Childhood Learning Centre, was speechless after finding out she was a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award...
CTTCS Thanksgiving Newsletter
Click on the links below for some updates on the various events and activities that took place so far this school year in CTTCS. Page 1-2Page 3Page 4Page 5
St. Mary’s Students Take in Tipi Raising
HRHS celebrates Grand Opening of expansion project
Students Connect Over Culture
Student gathered to watch a teepee raising at Lloyd’s Lakeland College campus on Sept. 26 to honour Truth and Reconciliation Day, Sept. 30. Students got to see the teepee go up,...
HRHS Reel for Grand Opening
Prince Albert Catholic School Good News September 2023
As the oldest Catholic school division in the province, we continue to look for ways to promote and enhance Catholicity within our community. With the implementation of a new...