Father Gorman Community School has been reunited with its beloved playground, destroyed by a devastating fire on August 27th. The fire was heartbreaking, but the spirit of resilience and unity has led to the playground's remarkable and timely transformation. In the...
Lloydminster Catholic School Division
A Faith Garden
Picture this, a school with every classroom, hallway and storage space full of students ready to learn but too crowded; staff and students dreaming of what school could be if only it was bigger. This was the task given to Lloydminster Catholic Grade 6 and Grade 7...
LCSD Teacher Honoured with Prime Minister’s Award
Kindopp Wins Prime Minister’s Teaching Award
Paige Kindopp, who currently teaches Grade 1 at Mother Teresa Early Childhood Learning Centre, was speechless after finding out she was a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Originally published:...
St. Mary’s Students Take in Tipi Raising
HRHS celebrates Grand Opening of expansion project
Students Connect Over Culture
Student gathered to watch a teepee raising at Lloyd’s Lakeland College campus on Sept. 26 to honour Truth and Reconciliation Day, Sept. 30. Students got to see the teepee go up, learned about the significance behind the process, and were able to go inside. Jeannette...
HRHS Reel for Grand Opening
Mother Teresa’s Feast Day Fun!
Raiders swing into Provincials