125 Stories: Learning Online – Regina Catholic Schools

Mar 4, 2025 | Good News, Regina Catholic School Division

Since 2009, Regina Catholic Schools Learning Online has provided faith-based distance education opportunities to students residing in Regina and the surrounding area. Learning Online has teachers based at all Regina Catholic High Schools with the program office at the Catholic Education Centre. Over 50 grade 9 to 12 courses are offered in Business Education, Catholic Studies, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Sciences, Health and Wellness, Technology, and French Immersion.

Learning Online courses are asynchronous online courses. This means that students are able to work through their classes at their own pace and have flexibility as to where and when they work on their course material. Students are not required to log into the course at a ​specific time.  All course work is completed on the computer. 

Learning Online is a continuous intake online school. Students beginning in September/ February, are expected to complete their course by the end of the semester. Students registering in October – December and March – May will have the time equivalent to one semester to complete their Learning Online course(s). Registrations for January or June start dates will require special administrative permission.

Each course has set due date guidelines that help students pace themselves through their course. Students who fall behind the set pace of the course, will need to spend additional time working to get caught up. Although there is some flexibility, all course work must be completed by the end of the semester. Students are able to work ahead in their course work and complete the class ahead of schedule.

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