Tiger Timeouts

May 9, 2023 | Good News, Holy Family Catholic School Division

The students and staff of the Prekindergarten to Grade 9 school in Weyburn have embraced the opportunity to be community and share in learning in a format quite different from their standard ‘classes’.

Tiger Timeouts began last school year for the Grade 7-9 classes and were so well received that they were continued this year. Once a month, the classes gathered for some fun activities and a chance for connection. They have done a Minute to Win it game event, a Christmas Carol singing competition, and continue to plan more great experiences. During the month of February, 2023, all of the grade 7-9’s headed out to experience some amazing and free outdoor opportunities that are offered within the city.

The students and staff have really taken the annual theme, Keep Going with God, to a whole new level!

(photo credits to The Weyburn Review)

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